Tuesday, 17 March 2015

If he liked it then he should have put an Emerald on it

If he liked it then he should have put an Emerald on it?  Maybe it's true.

They say diamonds are a girls best friend, but with high quality emeralds now worth even more than the finest diamonds, perhaps girls will start making room for a new BFF?

Men spend all our time looking at various other body parts, but boys, if you want to find your way into her heart, its not her ass, her outfit, or even her eyes that you need to compliment.  If you're serious, any girl can tell you, it is the third finger of her left hand that you should be focused on, and here, mere words just aren't going to cut it.

I know today is St. Patricks day, and that Ireland is known as the emerald isle, but that must be referring to the rich green fauna of the landscape, because when it comes to these ultra expensive gemstones you won't be finding them in Ireland.  Nearly 70 percent of the worlds emeralds come from Columbia.  You could settle for Tiffany's, but if you really want the very best, your man should head to the crowded main street market in Bogota, where dealers meet every day to trade millions of dollars worth of the very best emeralds in the world.

Why not make a trip of it?  It just so happens that Columbia is also the most bio diverse country in the world.  Tens of thousands of square kilometres of lush tropical caribbean  coastline await, where you and your gfs could relax and let yourselves be pampered by handsome latin pool boys while your future husband runs the gauntlet of the Bogota market in search the perfect (doorknob sized) Emerald.

Sounds like a plan right?  But before you pack your bikini's and hop a jet to Deep Blue or Hotel Bovedas de Santa Clara, remember that most men can't be trusted when it comes to shopping.  While you're sipping Coco Loco's poolside, make sure you send him off with a clear set of marching orders.  He needs to know that there are three things to look for.  Colour (darker is better) and Clarity (you don't want a foggy Emerald…ewww).

The third thing to worry about is size, but you already knew that one.

What if you don't like green?  No problem, because emeralds also come in red!  Red Emeralds are even more rare (and expensive) but what concern is cost when you have the chance to make sure that your ring matches your collection of Louboutins?  What?  You DONT have any Louboutins yet either?  Are you sure you want to marry this slacker?

Ok so he can stop at Barney's on the way to the airport, or better yet, get a connecting flight through St Barths and do some shopping in Gustavia for all things French before heading west to Colombia.

I'm not saying don't also have some diamonds, but if only the best will do, then perhaps Emeralds are a girls new best friend.

So, gentlemen, tonight when she is all dolled up in her cutest green outfit and sipping some green beer with you and your friends at the pub, take a moment to consider just how spectacular a beautiful Emerald would look on the third finger of her left hand.

And girls, if you haven't found him yet, don't worry.  Maybe the luck of the irish will be on your side.  I know more than one girl who met her husband on this day.

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